Marriage is a convenant relationship between a matured man and a matured woman, marriage is not for boys and girls, if you are still writing your school sat, you better focus on your exam and stop looking for whom to marry because marriage is not for children. Marriage is between a man and woman, not between a man and man nor a woman to woman, It does no matter what the world says, Jesus will still have remnants of people that are preaching righteousness, holiness and also living it.
Marriage is mutual, it is not a master servant relationship, so any man that oppresses his wife simply because he thinks he have every right over the wife is a coward.
There are four levels of maturity before going into marriage which includes:
*Spiritual maturity: Don't get born again today and start looking for whom to marry tomorrow because you need to grow spiritually as a Christian because it takes being a child of God and getting married to a child of God to have a successful marriage.
A good Christian marriage is a salary paid by God, so if you serve God as a single person, God will bless you or pay you with a good marriage, so before going into marriage, you need to be spiritually matured.
* Emotional maturity: Marriage is not a bed of roses, there are times where you will get offended but it takes how you are matured emotionally to handle such situation.
As a man, if your emotional life is still tied to your mother's apron, you are not ready for marriage. For you to have a good Marriage, you must be emotionally stable and able.
* Financial maturity: as a matured man and as a matured lady, you must be financially capable to ensure you have a peaceful and good marriage.
You may not have all the billions, but ensure that you have a stable income. As a man, you must be financially capable to provide for your wife and children i.e, you must be economically matured before you go into marriage.
*Physical maturity: Don't rush into marriage because you think you are too old because if you rush in, you will surely rush out. Marriage is a matter of maturity, both being matured in the mind and in the body, so ensure that you are physically matured i.e bodily matured to contend with what takes place In marriage.
A lot of marriages fail today because their foundation was not properly built. Don't have a failed marriage and to ensure that, you must have a solid foundation.
God bless you!!